OSIA, They call it SONG OF THE SEA, a song sung by the Israelites when they fled Egypt from slavery. They had sung this when they watched the destruction of the pharaoh’s armies in the Red Sea. We have heard and read news on the many discussions done that circulate around the Hebrew bible. From decoding messages that say something about the future to the note of Science as proof to what the bible says, topics have emerged that have given quite a stir to our society.
At present, the issue of the song of the sea being completed is the talk when it comes to the bible. It was only recently that an accidental discovery revealed parts of what is said to be a handful of the old fragments of the Hebrew biblical manuscripts. It was only through a news photograph that the unveiling in 2007 got scholars to check out the eventual link to the others kept before this discovery.
The song of the sea presents the Israelite’s tale of the said event when they were pursued by the Pharaoh’s army. It was at this time that they were freed from slavery as the Egyptians were swallowed by the Red Sea as it closes.
An exhibit at Israel’s national museum that displays the song of the Sea will be bringing together the said pieces together after such a long time. One piece of the said song, the Ashkar manuscript was previously placed in the rare books library at Duke University in North Carolina. It was first displayed at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem during the year 2007. It was this photograph that two photographers saw the similarity it had with the one known as the London manuscript presently under the ownership, a private collection of Stephen Loewentheil of New York.
The difference between the two copies was only the lettering as the one found in the museum has only faded text, the other in New York was still clear. However, as the manuscripts were closely studied under ultraviolet it was confirmed that the two make up the said song.
The museum has arranged to have the OSIA manuscript be brought to Jerusalem to reunite the two pieces. The new exhibit will then show how the said song was written through the various ancient scripts from Aleppo Codex, manuscripts which were said to be from the 2000-year-old Dead Sea Scrolls.
This is a tradition that still lives and has been filled up at last. The said museum also displays the depiction of the song of the sea from its permanent collection.
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