
UI development in India

A brief introduction to the various features of Kendo UI

Designers and developers of web applications are always trying to find out the best tools that help them to perform their work. By using a wide range of programs, they create mobile and web applications that can be used by business firms as well as personal users for a broad range of functions. One of such programs that are used for the purpose of designing and developing web applications is certainly Kendo UI. It is a JavaScript toolset that can be used for creating rich, fast, interactive and responsive web applications which can be used for carrying out a range of important functions. The widespread demand for this program has led to the birth of companies that offer services relating to Kendo UI development in India.

UI Development

Basically, Kendo UI UI development in India is a unique JavaScript framework that can be used for developing interactive web applications for various modern platforms. Nowadays people often expect rich interactive as well as fluent websites that can offer a seamless user experience. In order to create such an effect, a developer needs to make effective use of the client side technologies that are readily available. Kendo UI can work as the perfect tool for creating such websites. Kendo UI primarily works as a nice collection of scripts, images and styles. Once installed, it offers access to a huge collection of JavaScript files, Stylesheets and images as well as other items that can be used for a specific project. Kendo UI uses many of the currently existing technologies in order to help users create rich and immersive web applications. Some of these technologies are JavaScript, CSS3, JQuery and HTML5.

Kendo UI makes use of a wide range of rich UI widgets which are basically HTML5 controls that are based on jQuery. They are supported by all the current browsers. Kendo UI has mainly three categories or types of UI widgets:

  • Web widgets:These are widgets that are created for the web. They can be used for touch enabled desktop platforms. The widgets come with full featured grid systems with sorting, paging, filtering, tree view, custom templates, rich text editor as well as many more features.
  • DataViz widgets:The DataViz widgets are referred to as data visualization widgets. They are mainly used for the development of mobile and desktop websites. The widgets are mainly useful for representing important data in the form of charts and gauges.
  • Mobile widgets:The mobile widgets come with adaptive depicting technology that displays a native feel for Android, iOS and Blackberry mobiles. They offer a range of useful features that consist of controls like scroll view, list view, tab strip, navigation bars and buttons.

Kendo UI also comprises of client side data sources that provide with an abstraction for effectively working with relevant data on client. This helps to simplify the process of data binding as well as various other data operations. This can also be used for supporting local data like JavaScript objects and remote data such as XML and JSON. Kendo UI also delivers a model-view-view-model (MVVM) framework that enables declarative binding along with two-way data synchronization for different types of web applications. With Kendo UI, users can also have access to animation, templating, drag and drop feature as well as a comprehensive validation framework.

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