
What makes a Website Running Slow?

Website design, It’s very important to optimize the loading time of your website because it will not only keep visitors happy but also will increase the revenues that your online business generates. So, here are all the things you need to know to improve the velocity of your website:

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  • Big images: Minimizing the size of images is one of the best ways to improve the velocity of your website. We recommend that during the design or redesign of your website, try not to load unnecessary images, only those that you really need. Even when there’s always the possibility of optimizing images, in the end, they all slow down your site.
  • Images that were optimized: 80% of the time that sites take to load is due to the front-end structure. This means that if you don’t optimize your images, your website will take longer to load and that will make users very unhappy.
  • Too many ads: Ads must always be used with caution because, most of the time, users find them annoying. But that’s not the only inconvenience; it turns out that services like Google Adsense can make your website run slow. So, if the ads on your site don’t generate income, remove them.
  • Social media scripts: If you don’t use social media like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. scripts with moderation, you’ll be adding to your site a DNS lookup, which is a set of files and images that, of course, will affect the loading time of the website. We recommend not to add social media scripts if it is necessary, so think about it twice before doing it.

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  • Having the wrong server location: Your website will run faster if it is hosted by a hosting company that is located in the same country where you receive the most traffic of users.
  • Not using dedicated servers: There are plenty of popular services that help you reduce the loading time of your server. If you want videos on your site, use YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia. In case you have a lot of comments on your website, use Disqus, Discourse, or IntenseDebate. We recommend you do a little research about this topic; you’ll find many tools that will improve the velocity of Your Website design

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  • 404 HTTP errors: Trying to load files that don’t exist or that the browser cant find, will generate 404 errors that are very likely to affect the velocity of your website. Errors like this are especially harmful to the loading time if you reserving your website via a shared hosting plan. So, please, look for any 404 errors while rendering your site.
  • Big files on the background: It’s not recommendable to load big background images because they not only ruin the loading time of your site, but they are hardly visible as well. Loading sounds on the background while the website is loading is a practice that will slow down your website too.
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